Prolonged Care and Technology: A PFC Op-Ed

Integrating Tech

Haven’t we always done PFC?

Is PFC “New?”

Improvised Field Medicine Shopping List for the Austere Clinician

Improvised Med

Prolonged Casualty Care for All

PCC Guidelines

RAVINES: A Practical Approach to PFC

RAVINES: A Practical Approach top PFC

INCIDENT REPORT and Example of Remedial Plan of Action

Incident Report

Protected: All things Airway, Ventilation and Oxygenation

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Free JSOU Book: “The Death of the Golden hour and the Return of the Guerilla Hospital” COL (RET) Warner D. “Rocky” Farr M.D.

The Death of the Golden hour and the Return of the Guerilla Hospital

Special Warfare Magazine Articles: “Loss of the Golden Hour” & “18D: The Lifeline.”

Loss of the Golden Hour Article

Principles for Practicing Effective Prolonged Field Care

PFC principles