Podcast Episode 61: TBI Update with Dr. VanWyck

Traumatic Brain Injuries coupled with other injuries can be one of the most difficult wound patterns to manage in the field. Learn to manage TBI on its own and when other complications arrive you will be in better condition to handle an even more difficult situation.

Podcast Episode 20: TBI Round Table and Case Discussion

This podcast is a follow up from our last post on managing traumatic brain injuries in austere environments.  We included a scenario discussion with David, Jamie, Daryl, Jay, Doug and I with much needed answers to some frequently asked questions.

Podcast Episode 18: Traumatic Brain Injury

“We were assigned to train the Colombian military in Reconnaissance operations. It was the rainy season, so travel was limited to trucks, ATVs, and good ol’ fashioned walking. We were about two days into our training mission/jungle slog, when we happened upon a vehicle…