Podcast Episode 4: Part 1 of the Pharm Series… 12 Principals of Pharmacology

In this great podcast Justin introduces the principals of pharmacology that have served him well over the years and have done far more for him than simply keeping him out of trouble.  He also introduces Brad Morgans CRNA who is a wealth of knowledge and…

Podcast Episode 2: UOP-The Best Field Monitor for PFC… and a Word on Hypotensive resuscitation

In this episode Justin introduces the importance of properly using urine output to monitor hemodynamics of both trauma and medical patients by interviewing 2 of our contributing working group members; Dr. Phil Mason Air Force Emergency Medicine Physician and Critical Care Intensivist and Dr. Chris…

Podcast Episode 1: What’s this PFC stuff anyway and why should I care?

Our first episode is hosted by Justin, interviewing Colonel Sean Keenan MD who is the 10th Special Forces Group Surgeon.  Doc Keenan has worked tirelessly alongside Justin and the rest of the Prolonged Field Working Group at both our group level and with SOCOM….


I hate not knowing an acronym.  In my line of work acronyms are language and the ignorance of one normally results in the ignorance of entire programs or departments.  FOAMed is Free Open Access Meducation a term growing in popularity mostly in part due…


After many, many hours of work collaborating, recording, editing and coding, Prolonged Field Care is live to be downloaded and especially subscribed-to from iTunes!  This is another huge leap forward for us in reaching medics with the information they will need.  With a long…